Final Cut Pro X version 10.0.4 improves overall stability, performance, and compatibility including: "- Improves image quality and responsiveness of broadcast monitoring with compatible third-party PCIe and Thunderbolt I/O devices.
- Improves performance of multicam syncing and editing.
- Adds language support for Simplified Chinese.
- Adds a Share option for 1080p video on compatible iOS devices.
Final Cut Pro version 10.0.4 also addresses the following issues:
- Assigns default audio channel setting for new projects to stereo.
- Includes multicam metadata in XML project export.
- Fixes an issue in which video superimposed over a background with an alpha channel could appear differently in Viewer before and after render.
- Fixes an issue that caused some titles to be rendered again after each application launch. "
This update is recommended for all users of Final Cut Pro X
Final Cut Pro X version 10.0.4 improves overall stability and performance including:
- Improves performance of text editing in the Canvas.
- Fixes issues with Fill Opaque enabled in images converted to Drop Zones.
- Resolves a stability issue that occurred when deleting all characters with the Transform Glyph tool.
- Corrects the pixel aspect ratio display of Anamorphic clips.
- Improves speed of Save Current Frame.
- Resolves a stability issue when adjusting motion blur controls in the Project Properties Inspector.
- Resolves a stability issue when modifying media files while Motion is running in the background."
Sources: Macrumours
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