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The New Stuff

Fake Instagram Android App Infects System With Malware

Instagram has been getting a lot of buzz thanks to the Facebook buyout. We're not sure why some people would buy it from some other websites other than the Play Store. It turns out though, that there is a malicious version of the app somewhere out there. Russian developers have released a fake version of Instagram that when installed, it will send SMS messages. The messages are sent to a premium number which helps generate revenue for the developers.

The story gets even stranger! Embedded inside the malicious APK are photos of a man. Naked Security assumes that the developers inserted the picture to fool malware detectors.

Even it was a nasty piece of work. The Malicious app was well timed because Instagram has been seeing a lot of press recently because of the Facebook acquisition, so more people are joining the service.

Android malware has been on the rise. Dozens of apps on the Android Market were infected with a bug called 'Android.Counterclank' back in January. Symantec believes it affected between one and five million users. Apps have also bypassed Google's detection on Android devices.

We're not sure if there is a fix or a rescue technic that can be done. But If you think that you have the fake Instagram. Visit your local Mobile Carrier store or call them up. You do not want them to get your hard earned money for their revenue do you?


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