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The New Stuff

iTunes in the works to support iOS 6?

9to5Mac reported that Apple is working on iTunes 11, and that the next update will have iOS 6 implications. 9to5Mac's article is thin on details with regarding what is actually in the new version but they suggest that upgrades on iTunes 11 could be more "Under The Hood".

They did outline how this new version of iTunes will integrate more with iCloud. They also reported that they got a peek of the next version of iTunes and that it will have:

“An increased presence of iCloud integration. Perhaps the biggest testament to this is a dedicated iCloud settings panel within iTunes. This panel is a centralised, always accessible spot for users to control iCloud related features while in iTunes. These features include iTunes Match, iTunes in the Cloud, iCloud iOS device backups and more.”

All indications indicate that iTunes 11 has been in the works since the release of version 10.6 which would appear to suggest that it could be ready to launch alongside a beta version os iOS 6 soon. 


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