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The New Stuff

Movie Review: 'Lawless'

Lawless tells the true story of the three Bondurant brothers, Virginia moon shiners in the era where the government has decided to make alcohol illegal. The youngest is Javk (Shia Lebeouf), preceded by known as the "The Wettest County in the World", their liquor is considered a staple of deputy (Guy Pearce) shows up in Franklin County to shake it all up, however, one side is going to die a bloody death.

The film has a simple plot but I don't think that the crew realise it. We get that the fight is going on between the brothers and the deputy, but we also get a small forays into their love lives and a bafflingly minor subplot involving a big shot gangster played by Gary Oldman. That's pretty much all there is to tell about Gary Oldman mainly because he's barely in the movie at all.
The film feels slow and sluggish because of what happens doesn't really move the plot forward. Jessica Chastain and Mia Wasikowska play the love interests of Forrest and Jack. They were quite good in the film, especially Wasikowska. But a lot of people agree that the pacing in the film would have been much better if they had been removed.

Now it's time to make-way for the good. There is a great deal of good in the whole thing. Shia LaBeouf basically plays himself as the youngest brother, (which I thought fitted really well with the film). Shia does act arrogant and whiny at times, but this time around the movie actually realises it. We all agreed that the closest thing we get to a character arc is seeing Jack get over the things that make him so annoying and to grow a pair. I agree that this film really managed to utilise LaBeouf's particular skill set.

Tom Hardy is the highlight of the film as Forrest, the silent, seemingly un-killable leader of the group. Hardy plays a character as a guy who probably could have been a wealthy business man if he had been raised in a different and more civilised place. Hardy is probably the most intriguing character of the lot.

The last brother, Howard, is pretty much written and acted as a blank state.

Guy Pearce almost feels like he stepped out of a different, much weirder movie as a lot of people agree. He has a cartoonishly pompous, complete with shaved eyebrows and a haircut with a middle part so wide it could blind a human. Pearce is a crazy guy, he'll jump from straight up normal to absolutely crazy in seconds, which I found quite awesome but confusing at the same time.

The movie is really good, there was an interesting battle for control of Franklin Country, through shootouts and torturing all that brutal stuff. I do think that the movie could have gone on for a little longer, mainly because I was so into it but movies can only go on for so long I guess.

It's worth seeing if you are into crime drama, which will put you on the edge of your seat. Here's the trailer for the movie if you haven't already seen it yet.


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