Changing World of Messages
The past couple of years have seen a major change in how we communicate to each other via technology, especially within mobile messaging applications. More and more of us are now using mobile messaging apps than ever before, and now statistics are showing that we use these apps more than the traditional SMS message.Burning a Hole in the Pocket
The research company 'Informa' stated that almost 19 billion messages were sent per day on mobile applications such as Facebook messenger and Whatsapp compared to only 17.6 billion SMS messages. Even though SMS messages still play a vital part in the communication for many people, especially in deprived backgrounds where smartphones are off the list, Smartphones have been growing in popularity, with there graphic displays, wide variety of applications and utilities and there overall versatility. The pressure has then been shown in the form of a major loss of £15bn of revenue lost during the year of 2012, all because of messaging applications.
It has projected that nearly 50 billion messages will be sent per day using these apps by 2014, compared with just over 21 billion traditional SMSs.

The reason for this is that many users now are resorting to purchasing the latest smartphone to keep up with the trend, and to get the full experience of a mobile computer anywhere at anytime, therefore messaging applications are widely available on these phones so there being used to there full potential.
Mobile Companies may have a Plan up their Sleeve
However there still seems to be life within SMS messages, despite the growing gap between the competition. Maybe this is because that even though people are now using apps more than SMS, the revenue is going down in that particular area, but mobile companies such as EE, O2 and Vodafone could resort into relying on there mobile data plans, which allows users to access the internet and apps on the go, as the main source of income.So will we see the SMS messages grind to a halt and to the point where they simply become legacy or will they keep fighting strong against there worthy opponents?
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