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The New Stuff

A New Kind Of Laptop?

In the past few years technology has evolved so much and so fast, that if you buy a laptop or any electrical gadget today, then in 6 months time it will be outdated (meaning there will either be a newer version out, or another company has bought out something better). Apple are extremely good with this, they have released an iPhone every year without fail since the first iPhone was released back in June of 2007, so if you brought an iPhone with a contract (which usually lasts 18-24 months) it would be outdated mid contract.

Well as you can clearly see from the video 'Here', the Rolltop is due this year, although there is no hard evidence that it will be released this year or at all, but if it is released I can assure you that it would be a resolution in the way that we think of standard laptops, and the standard technology that is used in all of our electronic devices. I cannot stress enough, that if this laptop is released it will be able to provide mobility like no other laptop would be able to provide. The last laptop that was considered revolutionary was the MacBook Air which was released in 2008, and until the end of 2011 it was the slimmest laptop ever made, and then other companies began the era of ultra-books. I truly think that this has the potential (if it is actually released) to be an inspiration for all of the future portable computing machines in the near future! I literally cannot express this enough about how revolutionary this will be, it will be on the same level that the MacBook Air was back in 2008!
MacBook Air Vs Toshiba Ultrabook


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