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The New Stuff

Bing now lets you search through your Facebook friends' photos

Facebook users are uploading a whopping 300 million new photos each and every day. So bing added a new way to search and browse your friends' photos without all the clutter of status updates and friend requests.

This new feature is part of Bing's ongoing evolution to make search more visual. Friend's photos already show up in search sidebars when relevant, but now interested users can go straight to to browse and search all their Facebook friends' images.

Connect Bing to Facebook, and your friends' photos show up in a Pinterest-like stream:

Search is a very useful feature which allows users to view each friend's photos in a stream, and the default stream of all users friends' pictures, which is a great way to get visually updated in a hurry on where your friends are and what they're doing.

Bing of course will respect your Facebook privacy settings and will only show images that your friends have made viewable. Your photos, Microsoft stresses, will never be shared with the public.


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