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The New Stuff

A Fragrance That Smells Like A Freshly-opened Macbook Pro

Yes this is true! You have read that right, you have not made any mistakes reading the title. Its true. I saw this and I thought it was a little silly...

Theres a group of artists in Australia, who (using aromatic ingredients sourced from suppliers in southern France) claim to have made a fragrance which resembles the smell of a freshly-opened or recently-unsealed Apple products, mainly the Macbook Pro. The team features Jarrah de Kuijer, Simon McGlinn, and Gavin Bell. Their company's name 'Air Aroma' and they have brought the sense to life.

This is how they do it:
"To replicate the smell a brand new unopened Apple [portable] was sent to our fragrance lab in France. From there, professional perfume makers used the scents they observed unboxing the new Apple computer to source fragrance samples. 
Air Aroma fragrance designers then used these samples as ingredients to create a range of signature blend fragrances. The blends, each with unique recipes were then tested in the Air Aroma laboratory until a final fragrance was ultimately selected." 

Once the researchers had completed their testing, the Macbook pro was sent back to australia - (at 50,000kms).

At the moment they have no plans for mass-manufacturing the fragrance but they do however want to plan to show off the fragrance at an art exhibition in Melbourne from April 20 and May 12.

Sources: iDownloadBlog


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